Page 14 - Family like us Deon Final Final draft
P. 14

Babies are the corner-
                                                                                   stone and the most
                                                                                   valuable members of the
                                                                                   herd. They will be cared
                                                                                   for by the entire herd.
                                                                                   They are all related
                                                                                   members. A young baby
                                                                                   will suckle up to the age
                                                                                   of around 3 years old. By
                                                                                   this time the baby would
                                                                                   have mastered most of
                                                                                   the use of his trunk and
                                                                                   he will be able to feed
                                                                                   himself. The weaning pro-
                                                                                   cess is quite stressful for
                                                                                   the young one.
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