Page 9 - OMS & Pavo Magic Apprel & Shoes Trade Show 2024 Newsletter
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Developed, Programmed &
           Supported in the USA Since
                                      OMS NEWS!                                                              Page 9

                   Looking for a One Stop Solution Provider?

          Master System is designed spe-  requiring a system that is intui-  single transac-
          cifically for the Wholesale, Dis-  tive in design & not requiring   tion updating
          tribution & Importing trades.    major training hours for new   your cost of
          The OMS family of products   customers or new employees.    goods & auto-
          does not require a great deal of   Since OMS deals with Invento-  matically creat-
          costly training & implementa-  ry; the user, can edit Invoices,   ing A/P invoices for the Inven-  OMS Provides A Graphic View of
                                                                                          Customer’s 3 Year Sales History
          tion.                       Sales Orders, Purchase Orders,   tory, Shipping & Handling, Du-  by Month, QTR & Year
                                      all password controlled.     ties & more.  OMS developed  a
          OMS does not utilize third party                       CRM function that allows the
          software that hinders your future   You can elect to transfer A/R   user to easily get vital customer
          upgrade path.  Unlike Major   & A/P to the GL as often as   service information at their fin-
          Accounting Programs, OMS    needed until you close the G/  gertips, all in location.
          puts Inventory first; knowing full   L.   OMS can maintain an
                                      average cost of goods & even
          well that people in your industry   receive multiple PO’s in a   If you are currently using  anoth-
          experience high turn over    container in a            er software product, you owe it

            Footwear/Apparel         Accounting               CRM                  EDI               Pavo B2B

           Control Inventory by   Sales Rep. Commissions cal-  Customer Service in a   Integrated   Pavo B2Br is e-
          Item, Size & Color. Open   culated according to your   single screen providing   To        Commerce
          stock, Prepack or Cases.     policies - from sales, from   access to almost every-  OMS   Product Showcase, B2B
          RMA Module, Real time   payment, based on profit, or   thing needed to service a        integrated into OMS..
           inventory, PO Module   based your own formula upon   customer.                         Easy to use without
                                       request                                                   requiring a webmaster
          Inventory Allocation with   A/P is integrated to the Compa-  Graphics, Charts, Details   EDI Orders import into   Two Versions -Standard
          Pick Ticket Confirmation   ny Operating System, the Pur-          OMS as Pre-sales Order   & Enterprise.
          Special S/O Allocation.   chase Order System & Banking             providing the user a
          Against in bound Po’s.      Module.                                means to review for
           OMS manages UPC Bar   Banking has everything needed to   Sales & Order History   ASN creation can be   New CRM and SRM Op-
           Codes, Printing Labels,   manage your bank accounts -    down to item level .     linked to OMS Pick Ticket   tions. Now Optional multi-
           Exporting UPC files to    deposit providing Invoices, state-     Confirmation providing a   ple web sites from same
          suppliers. OMS has Serial   ment generation, reconciliation,        single step process.   database available..  In
         Number tracking & Compo-  view & print checks.  Maintain &                              Enterprise Pro, ability for
               nent Items.      track multiple bank accounts.                                     B2B customers to pay
                                                                                                 invoices via credit card
          Reports, Reports, Reports!   General Ledger has optional   Sales Order Tracking,   Auto Build ASN & EDI   Real Time Information for
           OMS has hundreds of re-  Multiple Divisional Financial   Shipping History with UPS   Invoice.  UCC label gener-  Customers, Sales & Man-
         ports that print to screen first,   Reporting, Detailed reports, trial   and/or FedEx Tracking   ation against inbound   agement. Inquires for
          can be sorted on column &   balance, income statements,   Numbers   factory PO’s for scanning   Inventory, Open S/O’s,
           most export to csv file or   balance sheets, actual vs. budget      at your warehouse.   Invoices,  Shipping
          direct to Excel with a mouse   management reporting
          Purchase Order Module   A/R is integrated - providing   Conversation Logs, Call   832 Product Catalog   B2B & Showcase Controls
           allows for PO creation    invoice items, tracking all open   Backs, Task Assignments.   Updating   Customer, Sales & Com-
         based on Min. Stock Level,   items & paid history.  View on   Ability to email customers   pany Views all through
          Transfer S/O’s to PO.  PO   screen aging reports by current,   through OMS. email S/O        OMS.
              Inquiry reports.   30, 60, 90 days & over 120 days.    confirmations, invoices

           Prepare Quotations—    Returns/RMA Module   Customer & Prospective   Integrated to Numerous   Optional Integration to
          when accepted transfer to   Issue Return Merchandise Au-  Customer Tracking & Re-  EDI Translators   Suppliers who can update
          s/o with a single click of a   thorization by item, S/N, Invoice.    porting           Shipping Dates, through
                mouse.         Close RMA, issues credit & return                                the SRM the  PO Function
                                 item to Stock or Damages.
          Wireless Inventory Counts   In Billing, inquire on invoices by   Available in OMS & online   DC & mark For Chain Store   Integrated, Real Time Sales
          with Pocket OMS, Remote   the number of days overdue.   with eMaster    Control       Order Processing with email
         Access Via Internet -eMaster    Option to add late charges to                           confirmation.  Can display
          - Standard or Enterprise   overdue invoices on statements.                             items out of stock with next
                Version        You can create aging reports with                                 ETA of inbound PO shown.
                                standard categories of current,
                                 30, 60, 90 days and over.
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