Page 2 - Magic/Platform 2022 OMS ERP for Apparel & Footwear with Pavo, WMS & much more...
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When You                                  OMS NEWS!
             See This Icon                                                                                   Page 2
             Next To An              Having Trouble Keeping Up With Back Orders?
             Article, Click
             On It To                 With OMS Inventory Allocation, you can batch create pick   OMS will show you all open
             Open A Flip-             tickets based on Conditions you select to compare all open   pick tickets that have not
                                                                                           been shipped & whether or
             book With                sales orders by Order, Ship or Cancel Date.  System will   not there is stock available
                                      show open sales orders that fit selected criteria by Customer
             Additional               Priority and create a batch of pick tickets with only items   to complete the shipment.

             Information              that are in stock shown.  If you back date the date range,   They then can pull mer-
                                                                                           chandise and scan and pack
                                                                                           using the Pick Ticket Con-
                                                                                           firmation process.  OMS will
                                                                                           alert warehouse personnel if
                                                                                           they try to ship wrong item,
                                                                                           color, size or qty.

                                                                                           The Allocation Open Pick
                                                                                           Ticket Inquiry lets manage-
                                                                                           ment see what pick tickets
                                                                                           have been worked and still
                                                                                           open for all warehouse loca-
                                                                                           tions preventing lost sales
             Master System’s                                                               orders.
             eMaster Solution
             Suite is at the
             heart of that           CRM—Helps You Quickly Service Your Customers
             effort, according
             to Cheng. Cao  “It       It has been reported that the   standing in-
             has laid the basis       only real difference between you   voices with
             for us to grow our       & your competition is how you   A/R aging,.
             company to a
             larger level.  With      treat your customer.. OMS pro-  OMS can
             Master System at         vides single screen access to your   Chart Sales
             our foundation,          customers vital information.     History for 3
             we are able to           Conversation Logs allow track-  Years.  The
             concentrate on           ing of calls between the custom-  CRM Func-
             growing the              er & company with the ability to   tion is availa-
             business, because        schedule call backs.  View all   ble in eMas-
             it automatically         sales histories, Open Sales Or-  ter online!
             takes care of all of
             the business             ders, Invoices with details, Out-  option
             functionality we
             need.   We trust         OMS  Introduces Customer & Inventory Assistant
             the product, and
             we trust the
             support we
             receive from
             Master System,
             because we know
             that the peace of
             mind we get back
             makes it all
             Cheng Cao, Vibes
             Base Group’s
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