Page 10 - Pavo by OMS Overview2023 Fall Newlsetter
P. 10

Developed, Programmed & Sup-
          Master System Inc.                                                 ported in the USA

          109 Fox Crossing Ave
          N. Las Vegas, NV 89084    Master System is the developer of
                                    Office Master System (OMS.)
           Phone: 702-              OMS is the pre-eminent business
                                    software solution for the exclusive
           510-3853                 use of thousands of wholesale dis-
           email:                   tributor & import companies around
                                    the world.  Since 1987, Master Sys-
           rsandler@mas             tem has been at the forefront of continuous and never ending development of our OMS
                                    and eMaster business software solutions for wholesale distributors.
             Master Systems’ OMS is a world-class inventory control with integrated accounting

                                    application that was the “first” to fully-integrate the wholesale distributor’s back-
                                    office via the Internet with ecommerce and Business-to-Business. Today, OMS re-
          We’re on the web          mains unmatched for its ease-of-use, ease-of-deployment, customization, and low

          at www. Master-           cost of ownership with versatility and adaptability that delivers significant gains in
                                    performance and efficiency.

                                    OMS Business Intelligence Tools
          Master System, is a busi-
          ness software develop-
          ment company dedicated     OMS has thousands of reports in
          to the Wholesale, Im-      each of their ERP Systems
                                     providing you with all the tools
          port, & the Distribution   required to analyze and grow
          Trade. Their main prod-    your business.  The majority of
          ucts are OFFICE MAS-       reports preview to the screen &
          TER SYSTEM (OMS),          have an option to export to excel
          & Pavo..  OMS is a         or CSV file formats with a simple
          complete, integrated       right mouse click.
          accounting & inventory
          management software        In many systems, OMS offers
          system that runs under     Multiple Company Sales Analy-
          Windows.   The ERP         sis for users who own more than
          software includes a full   one company that allows user to
          Accounting System, Ac-     select companies for Compari-
          counts Payable, Accounts   sons on the following:
          Receivables, Banking &
          G/L, Inventory Control,    ·   Item Sales Inquiry
          CRM, Customer &            ·   Customer Open Order In-
          Contact Management,            quiry
          Component & Kit As-        ·   Zone & Territory Sales Or-
          sembly, UPC Bar coding,        der Analysis
          Purchase Orders, & Re-     ·   Customer Monthly Sales
          turns, UPS Shipping Inte-      Inquiry
          gration & more.  They      ·   Zone & Territory Sales Anal-
          also feature WMS &             ysis
          MFR systems integrated     ·   Inventory Class Sales In-
          to the ERP.                    quiry
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