Page 3 - Pavo by OMS Overview2023 Fall Newlsetter
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Developed, Programmed &
Supported in the USA
Looking for a One Stop Solution Provider?
Master System is designed spe- ing a system that is intuitive in single transaction updating your
cifically for the Wholesale, Dis- design & not requiring major cost of goods & automatically
tribution & Importing trades . training hours for new custom- creating A/P invoices for the
The OMS family of products ers or new employees. Since Inventory, Shipping & Handling,
does not require a great deal f OMS deals with Inventory; the Duties & more. OMS devel- OMS Provides A Graphic View
of Customer’s 3 Year Sales
costly training & implementa- user, can edit Invoices, Sales oped a CRM function that al- History by Month, QTR & Year
tion. Orders, Purchase Orders, all lows the user to easily get vital
password controlled. customer service information at
OMS does not utilize third party their fingertips, all in location.
software that hinders your future You can elect to transfer A/R &
upgrade path. Unlike Major A/P to the GL as often as need- If you are currently using anoth-
Accounting Programs, OMS ed until you close the G/L. er software product, you owe it
puts Inventory first; knowing full OMS can maintain an average to yourself to take a look at
well that people in your industry cost of goods & even receive OMS. We are sure that you will
experience high turn over requir- multiple PO’s in a container in a like what you see.
Pavo by OMS