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Master System, Inc.

                          OMS Introduces Pavo Integrations                                    Points of Interest
               Developed, Programmed & Supported in the USA

                                                                                           Integrate your OMS
                                                                                            ERP System with Many
                                                                                            E-commerce Platforms
                                                                                            to expand your sales
                                                                                            channels with little ef-
                                                                                            fort with our Pavo Inte-
                                                                                            gration Platform.

                                                                                           New Bulk Email Func-
                                                                                            tions—even bulk email
                                                                                            A/R Statements

                                                                                           Pavo for real time e-
                                                                                            commerce with B2B
                                                                                            with our Enterprise
                                                                                            Sales Rep & Manage-
                                                                                            ment Portal, with Scan
                                                                                            to the Web Remote
                                                                                            Sales Orders!!

                     North American B2B ecommerce Sales Top $3.647 Trillion in 2024            Inside this issue:

                       In 2023, an estimated   ment with. Maybe its   new arena of potential   Cloud Hosting   2
                     17 percent of B2B sales  time for you to look   B2B & B2C customers   “One Stop Solu-    3
                     are expected to be gen- at selling direct to the  looking for the same
                     erated digitally. In   consumer!             technology.              Sales Channel s    4
                     2019, this share was 13     Manufacturers, Im-     Master System has
                     percent. Overall, U.S.   porters & Distributors   new & exciting addi-  Sales Channels   4
                     B2B online sales are   are seeing competitors  tions to integrating   EDI Order Integra- 5
                     projected to reach 3.6   aggressively  employ-  into OMS ERP Sys-
                     trillion U.S. dollars in  ing e-commerce tech-  tem through our Pa-  New Generation      8
                     2024. In 2023, US      nologies to expand    vo - Sync inventory
                     online sales reached   their sales while at the   everywhere from    Pavo family Over-   6
                     $1.137 trillion, repre-  same time reducing   online e-commerce
                     senting a growth of    sales costs & achiev-  channels to your own   New Bulk email      7
                     9.3%. Experts predict   ing higher levels of   operations.   Venturing   On Line Payments   7
                     steady growth of at    accuracy & customer   into B2C, Pavo is inte-
                     least 10% year-on-year  satisfaction.        grated to Shopify,      OMS Pavo  for Reps  8
                     until 2027.               E-commerce tech-   Amazon, eBay,
                        Ecommerce is no     nology vendors who, Zulily,    Great  Reports      9
                     longer a novelty sales   now focus primarily   Groupon ,TikTok,
                     channel that B2B &     on e-retailing markets   and more.            Business Intelli-   10
                     B2C businesses experi- will discover a vast

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