Page 1 - OMS ERP, WMS, B2B, Eccommerce Inventory & Accountning System Newsletter for SuperZoo Aug2022
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Master System, Inc.

                     NEWSLETTER DATE: AUGUST 2022                         KEYWORD: AUGUST2022   VOLUME 1, ISSUE

                            Developed, Programmed & Supported in the USA                      Points of Interest

                      Master System at 2022 SuperZoo Trade Show                                         When you
                                                                                                       see this Icon,
                                                                                                       Click on it to
                                                                                                       see more

                                                                                           Pavo for real time e-
                                                                                            commerce with B2B with
                                                                                            our Enterprise  Sales Rep
                                                                                            & Management Portal,
                                                                                            with Scan to the Web
                                                                                            Remote Sales Orders!!

                                                                                            EDI Ready—Partner
                                                                                            with SPS, DI Central,
                                                                                            EZCOM , Com-

                                                                                            mercehub & others.

                      Master System, is a business software development company dedicated to the Wholesale, Import, & the Distribu-
                      tion Trade. Their main products are OFFICE MASTER SYSTEM (OMS),  & Pavo..  OMS is a complete, inte-
                      grated accounting & inventory management software system that runs under Windows.   The ERP software
                      includes a full Accounting System, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivables, Banking & G/L, Inventory Control,
                      CRM, Customer & Contact Management, Component & Kit Assembly, UPC Bar coding, Purchase Orders,
                      & Returns, UPS Shipping Integration & more.  They also feature WMS & MFR systems integrated to the ERP.

                     Online US B2B Sales Will Top $1.77 Trillion by 2022                   Inside this issue:
                      The US B2B ecommerce   .  Manufacturers, Import-  Master System has new   Controlling Back Orders  2
                      market is predicted to   ers & Distributors are   & exciting additions to   “One Stop Solution”   3
                      grow to $1.77 Trillion by  seeing competitors ag-  integrating into OMS
                      2022 and 65% of B2B   gressively  employing e-  ERP System through    WMS Task Manager   4
                      companies across indus-  commerce technologies to  our Pavo - an exclusive
                      tries are fully transacting  expand their sales while at  way to Sync inventory   3PL Interface   5
                      online in 2022. For the   the same time reducing   everywhere from online   Factor Interface   5
                      first time, B2Bs are more   sales costs & achieving   e-commerce channels to
                      likely to offer ecom-  higher levels of accuracy   your own operations
                      merce over in-person   & customer satisfaction.    Venturing into B2C, Pavo   “No Degree Required”   8
                      sales. B2B sales in 2021                    is integrated to Shopify,
                      was a whopping $1.63   E-commerce technology   Amazon, eBay,         “Pavo”              6
                      Trillion an increase of   vendors who now focus, Zulily,   EDI Interface    7
                      17.8% while B2C Sales   primarily on e-retailing   Groupon and more.
                      hit $4.9 Trillion fore-  markets will discover a                     Lot # Control       8
                      casting to grow to $7.4   vast new arena of poten-  Pavo for the Shoe & Ap-
                      Trillion by 2025.     tial B2B customers look-  parel industry by adding   OMS Pavo  - API’s   8
                                            ing for the same technol-  feature rich content to
                      Maybe its time for you   ogy.                                        MFR System          9
                      to look at selling direct                   increase sales and help
                      to the consumer!                            reduce labor costs.      Business Intelligence    10
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