Page 5 - OMS ERP, WMS, B2B, Eccommerce Inventory & Accountning System Newsletter for SuperZoo Aug2022
P. 5
Developed, Programmed &
Supported in the USA
3PL Interface For OMS Is The Talk Of The ASD Show!
Do you outsource your ware-
house operation to a 3rd Par- your
ty? OMS has a universal in- open
tegration set for the pro- Pick
cessing of EDI transactions. Ticket in
These transactions are EDI OMS.
940, 945, 943 and 944. You can
From OMS you can send an then as-
electronic copy of your Pick sign your
Ticket (EDI 940) to the Pick
3PL. They can then com- Ticket to
plete your Pick and Pack and the EDI
where required assign UCC 856 ASN
ID’s. Then an electronic with the OMS also provides for sending your open Purchase Orders
EDI 945 transaction will previously assigned (EDI 943) to the 3PL in preparation of receiving your merchan-
come back to OMS to close UCC ID’s. dise. When received at the 3Pl the 3Pl can then send back and
If Factoring Is A Factor, then OMS Has An Interface 4 U!
Master System announces SQL System allowing the user then can process all of proved , the OMS user then
the “factor” interface for user to process sales orders the factor approved sales can decide how they want to
customers that use CIT, electronically to their factor orders through the alloca- assume the financial risk
Hanna, Wells Fargo or of choice for credit approv- tion module for quick & that retailer presents to
Sterling Financial Service al. The factor then electron- easy creations of pick tickets them.
to process their Invoices ically returns an approval, leading to fast shipping of
and manage their Accounts denial or hold code that the merchandise to pre- If you are interested in
receivables. This interface automatically tags the sales approved customers. For learning more about this
works best with the OMS interface, please contact
order, respectively. The Customers that are not ap- your OMS sales rep.
New Pavo - 3rd Party Web Integrations