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Additional In-
formation On
That Topic. Having Trouble Keeping Up With Back Orders?
With OMS Inventory Allocation, you can batch create pick tickets based on and pack using the
Conditions you select to compare all open sales orders by Order, Ship or Can- Pick Ticket Confirma-
cel Date. System will show open ales orders that fit selected criteria by Cus- tion process. OMS will
tomer Priority and create a batch of pick tickets with only items that are in alert warehouse person-
stock shown. If you nel if they try to ship
back date the date wrong item, color or
range, OMS will show qty.
you all open pick tick-
ets that have not been The Allocation Open
shipped & whether or Pick Ticket Inquiry lets
not there is stock availa- management see what
ble to complete the pick tickets have been
shipment. worked and still open
for all warehouse loca-
They then can pull tions preventing lost
merchandise and scan sales orders.
CRM—Helps You Quickly Service Your Customers
It has been reported that the only real difference
between you & your competition is how you treat OMS can
your customer.. OMS provides single screen ac- Chart
cess to your customers vital information.
Sales His-
Conversation Logs allow tracking of calls between
the customer & company with the ability to tory for 3
schedule call backs. View all sales histories, Open Years!!!.
Sales Orders, Invoices with details, Outstanding
invoices with A/R aging,.
OMS Introduces Customer & Inventory Assistant
The new Inventory Assistant can
be turned on or off as needed.. If
on, when entering a Sales Order,
that customer’s real time infor-
mation appears showing a recap of
their current order status and a/r.
As you enter line items on the
sales order, OMS will display the
historical sale price to that cus-
tomer & quantity purchased each