Page 8 - OMS National Hardware Trade Show Newsletter
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Samples of OMS Customer’s eMas-
         ter B2B  and/or B2C Sites   OMS NEWS!                                                               Page 8

                    “No Degree Required”             : To Use the OMS Accounting Applications

                                                       OMS features full Accounts Payables,   according to your company policy &
                                                       Accounts Receivables, and Banking,     more. You July choose partial pay-
                                                       These functions are simple & easy to   ments to an invoice, or one payment
                                                       use!                            to many outstanding invoices.

                                                       Accounts Payable— A/P is integrated   Banking—deposit processing to
                                                       to the Company Operating System, the   statement generation & reconciliation
                                                       Purchase Order System & Banking   to viewing & printing checks.  Main-
                                                       Module.  Process all payables payments   tain & track multiple bank accounts,
                                                       to terms & priority. Produce cash flow   transfer, adjust, inquire & do bank
                                                       & cash disbursement information.     reconciliation. View bank check images
                                                                                       on the screen & print checks on com-
                                                       In Accounts Receivable— A/R is   puterized check forms. Bank depos-
                                                       integrated to Company Operating Sys-  its and check registers link with
                                                       tem processing all open invoice items   accounts receivable and accounts
                                                       pertaining to a customer. Track all open  payable.
         Simply, Easy To understand. User Friendly     items & paid history.  The system ac-
         Screens are evident in OMS. Throughout the En-  cepts customer payments by individual   Sales Rep Commission: Multiple
                                                                                       methods of calculating Sales Rep
                                                       open items or groups open items for
         tire System Making OMS easy to train, therefore   payments. Produce billing & state-  Commissions even the ability to split
         less expensive to Implement & keep running.!!!   ments, computes & pays commissions   commissions per transaction.

          Need Lot # or Serial # -Take Control of  Your CBD & Other Inventory !

         Is your company involved   with Expiration Dates    or virtual ware-      & Pick by scanning
         with Distributing or Man-  & integrate with each    houses that you may   the sn and even add to
                                                                                   invoice & packing list
         ufacturing CBD & similar   other. Need to separate  need.  Now you
         products that require Lot   your CBD Inventory      can easily separate yo
         # Control with Expiration   from your Non CBD       ur inventory with re-
         Dates?  If so, we have an   products?  Some states   porting. ing capability
         ERP Inventory & Ac-        require that inventories  by warehouse, if re-
         counting,  Ware-           be separated.  OMS is a  quired   OMS also has
         house  Management  &       multi-warehouse sys-     the ability to Track Seri-
         Manufacturing Systems -    tem that allows you to   al Numbers, & if bar-
         all have Lot # Control     create as many physical  coded, can pick

                                                  Your OMS tool for E-commerce

         Pavo is a multi-channel solution to connect OMS to e-
         commerce platforms that is entirely cloud based, with
         little additional maintenance on your part.  The features
         are built based on client demands and by the OMS
         team, exclusively for OMS Systems.
         Now available: Shopify, Woo Com-
         merce, Channel Advisor, NuOrder,
         Brandboom, Shipstation, Com-
         merceHub, DSCO,,
         Amazon, eBay and more.
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