Page 9 - Keynsham Town Ladies programme
P. 9


       referees, but they are dispatched to other more distant games. This
       is preposterous.

       Thirdly is the fetish for fast tracking referees. Sadly, this seems to be
       focused more on female rather than male referees. This is producing
       a  series  of  appointed  referees  with  little  experience,  who  perform
       badly in many circumstances.

       I lose count of the time when my senior players, who know what it
       takes, groan ‘Oh no, not again’ when we get a fast track referee,
       where often the assistants are far more experienced than the person
       in  the  middle.  Is  that  not  a  mad  arrangement?  It’s  like  putting  a
       trainee in the pilot’s seat and the pilot in the rear seat of the plane.

       I  take  no  pleasure  in  according  such  referees  a  low  mark,  but  of
       course,  nobody  from  the  FA  ever  reacts  to  a  low  mark,  never
       contacted  by  the  powers  that  be;  the  whole  system  of  marking
       referees is a waste of time. We will in future ask the FA not to send
       a referee again, where we have given a low mark and let’s see what
       their response is.

       Finally, as a club with a low level of discipline problems, we have been
       exasperated by the discipline process at the County level. Gone are
       the days of waiting in the corridor to be called by Helen Marchment
       or Jennifer Gregory for the player or club volunteer to have a chance
       to state their case and engage in a two way conversation. No, it is
       just a written submission which is much easier to brush aside as the
       accuser and the accused never meet to discuss the incident.

       All  in  all  the  process  has  become  wholly  unhelpful  and  to  the
       detriment of those charged. In my opinion, such naked injustice has
       to change, but nobody should hold their breath.
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