Page 20 - Hallen FC v Longlevens 140821
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Ben Lloyd Martin Stowell
Age: 19 Age: 30
Position: Def (R) Position: Def (C)
Nickname: Lloydy Nickname: Stows
Notes: After impressing in the Notes: Great signing a couple of
Reserves last season Ben has been seasons ago from Bristol Manor
given an opportunity to shine at this Farm.Martin is a solid defender as well
level. Good going forward and as being a huge presence on and off
excellent positional play. the field, leading to him becoming this
season’s club captain.
Jack Mills
Age: 27 Kyle Thomas
Position: Def / Mid (R) Age: 30
Nickname: Rooney Position: Mid / Att (RC)
Notes: Previously played for Henbury, Nickname: Laffs
Jack has a sweet right foot and scores Notes: A classy player Laffs has bags
his fair share of goals. He loves a of ability. He creates plenty of goals as
tackle and is comfortable playing in well as scoring them. Previously
most positions. played in the Southern League with
Bristol Manor Farm and Mangotsfield.
Dan Payne
Age: 20 Sacha Tong
Position: Mid / Att (RL) Age: 32
Nickname: Payner Position: Att (RLC)
Notes: Payner has returned to Hallen Nickname:
after a season with Lebeq in Division Notes: Signed from Southern League
One of The Western League. A strong Mangotsfield. Sacha has finished top
powerful winger with an eye for goal. goalscorer every season he’s been at
the club, living up to his reputation as
Harvey Pritchard a prolific goalscorer and provider in the
Age: 19 Western League for many seasons
Position: Att (RL) with Cadbury Heath. Previous clubs
Nickname: Pritch also include Yate Town.
Notes: A quick a tricky winger Harvey
is another of last season’s Reserves to James White
make the step up after making a few Age: 19
appearance towards the end of last Position: Mid /Att (C)
season. Nickname:
Notes: A ball playing attacking
Jordan Ricketts midfielder James has joined us this
Age: 32 season after playing in The Western
Position: Mid / Att (C) League for Ashton and Backwell.
Nickname: Ricko
Notes: Ricko is a quality player who
has played most of his football at
Southern League and above. Previous
clubs include Bath City, Chippenham
Town, Yate Town and Cirencester