Page 38 - Yate Town FC v Hendon 010223
P. 38

THE SQUAD                               YATE TOWN FC

       Ioan Richards
       Ioan Richards     Tom Richards      Barney Soady Defender/ Jack Stanley
       Ioan started his playing   The former Bristol City    Jack was initially a scholar at
          SPONSORED BY
       careers with a scholarship at  youngster joins us from Bath Barney was released from   Swindon Town and has
       Cheltenham Town,   City where he has spent the  Bristol City at the end of last  appeared for Salisbury,
       Ioan started his playing
       captaining the youth team.  last three seasons,   season after playing in their  Thatcham Town and
       career with a scholarship at
       On leaving Cheltenham Ioan becoming one of their   under 23 side and was   Swindon Supermarine,
       Cheltenham Town,
       signed for Gloucester city in  longest serving players.   impressive against the   before taking time away
       captaining the youth team.
       the NLN, which also included        Bluebells when featuring   from Senior football whilst
       On leaving Cheltenham Ioan
       a month on loan to   Tom, also had a loan spell at  against us last pre season. A focusing on his final year of
       signed for Gloucester City in
       Slimbridge. At the start of   Truro City in the National   left sided player with   studies at Hartpury. Whilst
       the NLN, which also
       last summer he joined   League South during his   excellent potential, Barney   studying Jack continued to
       included a month on loan to
       Taunton Town and as a   time on the books at Bristol  will be an exciting addition   play in Hartpury's University
       Slimbridge. At the start of
       member of last season’s   City.     this season       side before returning to
       last summer he joined
       league championship squad                             senior football this pre
       Taunton Town and as a
       member of last season’s                               season.
       league championship squad.
       Kyle Tooze - Striker  Leighton Tuodolo -
                         Full Back
       The experienced forward will
       be a familiar face at Lodge   New addition Leighton joins
       Road having played for us   us from Chippenham Town
       back in 2018. He's a profilic  where he was part of their
       goalscorer, and having   development setup. Having
       played at National League   previously played Southern
       South level he will add some  League Football for Paulton
       much needed firepower to   Rovers and Slimbridge,
       the Yate Town forward line.  Leighton steps up to the
       Toozey follows the   Premier Division South
       Management team from   hoping to cement a regular
       Paulton Rovers where he is  spot in the team.
       currently top goal scorer in
       the Southern League
       Division 1 South.
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