Page 15 - Patchway Town FC
P. 15
Patchway Town FC
Player Profiles
Sam Burgess - Gk Mo Jeng - CM
Tremendous shot Stopper Our very own ‘Kante’, full of
energy and an eye for a goal
Suhayl Ahmed - RB
Calm full back who can also play Ollie Bacon - RB
CB Mr Patchway, always gives his all
when not injured
Warren Ryan - LB
Energetic full back, has a tricks in Phil Vice - ST/CM
his locker Joint player Manager, striker or
where required. Covers every
Joel Gayle - CB blade each week
17 year old fearless CB, great feet
Sidou Bojang- Wing
Paul Noyes - CB Lightening fast, direct winger
Experienced CB, returned after a
few season away Joe Barnes - ST
Only 18, tall calm, great vision,
Luke Garbacs - CM eye for goal
Aggressive in the tackle, magic
eye for a pass
Lewis Toop - CM
Matty Barnes - CM Much travelled player, offers great
Has the Ability to control a game. options on the pitch
Great vision
Dave Prichard - CB
Finley Thompson - Attacker Another season with the club,
Only 17 already a major part of strong commanding centre half
the team. Quick direct and good
finisher Joe Teague - Cm
Young aggressive player, forward
Jacob Cox - LB/LW thinking with the ball
1st team player coach, great on
and off the pitch Matty Webb- CB/CM
25 years at the club, we wouldn’t
Divine Amaefule - Attacker be Patchway without him. Legend.
17 years old, great ability, quick