Page 18 - Keynsham Ladies 2017-18
P. 18


       A Bristol Rovers fan goes into a computer store and asks where he can find
       curtains for computers. The assistant tells him that he doesn’t need curtains for his
       computer, to which the Bristol Rovers fan replies “But my computer has windows!”
       How many Council workers does it take to change a light bulb?

       Why do skunks love Valentine’s Day?

       What did one water melon say to the other on Valentine’s Day?

       What did the light bulb say to the switch on Valentine’s Day?

       What did the whale say to his sweetheart on Valentine’s Day?

       What did the toast say to the butter on Valentine’s Day?

       What did one oar say to the other on Valentine’s Day?

       What did the rabbit say to his girlfriend on Valentine’s Day?

       Football Quiz Answers

       A1: Everton.
       A2: Wrexham – formed in 1864.
       A3: Ajax
       A4: Northampton Town.
       A5: Fabio Capello
       A6: Leeds United.
       A7: Italy.
       A8: Finland.
       A9: Birgit Prinz.  - 128 goals.
       A10: Accrington Stanley.
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