Page 12 - Keynsham Town FC v Tytherington Rocks 150322
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Jordan Me ers               Luke Banfield              Ma  Brown

                                                         A player we sought for several years
     Joined from Southern League                         he finally joined, after 3 superb
     Bristol Manor Farm at the start of  Luke cut his teeth in the K’s  years at Fry Club yielded around
     the season. His experience and  Somerset Floodlit Youth League  100 Somerset County League goals.
     a acking style add quality to the  Under 18 side, and as a regular  Previous clubs include
     K’s. He won the Western Premier  for our Reserves last season. An  Mangotsfield, Bi on and Oldland.
     League  tle with Bishop Su on in  a acking left-sided player who  Browner ne ed 29  mes in his first
     2012-13 and Manor Farm in  has bags of poten al.    season, & bettered that the
     2016-17. Jordan was also named                      following season with an
     Bristol Evening Post Footballer of                  impressive tally of 31 goals.
     the Year in 2018.

             Ma  Long                  Mike Grist              Nathan Curnock

     An a acking midfielder with an  Gristy is another ex-Wells City  Joined 2015/16 and made the left-
     eye for goal, can also play as a  player who played under John for  back slot his own a er previously
     forward. “Ma y” joined from  many years; a no-nonsense centre  playing as a le  winger. Pacy, adds
     Somerset Premier League side  half, he joined from Bristol  useful height to our defence at set
     Nailsea Utd where he played a key  Telephones, making his debut at  pieces, although does not usually
     role as part of their successful title Radstock Town. Also chips in with  net un l Christmas has been and
     and cup winning team, which  some vital goals and forms part of  gone. Unfortunate to miss all the
     dominated the County League for  the famed “Mitchell Brothers”  curtailed 2019-20 season with a
     many seasons. No other previous  centre-half duo when paired with  serious hip injury but is now fully
     clubs, just a Nailsea United legend!  Sco  Saunders!  fit and raring to go.
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