Page 30 - Tuffley Rovers FC sample
P. 30

Are you sitting comfortably?….

       If you aren’t already aware, significant changes are being made to Step 4 of the
       Non-League  game,  which  means  that  the  usual  rules  around  promotion  and
       relegation at the end of the 2017/18 playing season.
       Ordinarily, only one team is promoted from the Hellenic Premier Division and up
       to four teams are relegated from the twenty team division, to make way for the
       top two promoted from Divisions One; East and West. It doesn’t always pan out
       that way – it has been rare in recent years for four clubs to be relegated, for
       example – but until the league AGM in June, the understanding is that this is
       what should apply.
       There are plenty of teams at Step 6 (the level at which the East and West teams
       compete) with the necessary ground grading to achieve promotion, so there is
       real potential that, this year, there will be four teams dropping down. However,
       it is not at that end of the table where the changes are to be witnessed.
       Due to the reorganisation at Step 4, which is seeing an additional division added,
       26 teams (from 14 leagues at Step 5), will be promoted this year. How will that
       be decided, you might ask? Well, instead of the league winners being the only
       team promoted, twelve of the fourteen runners-up will also be moved up the
       pyramid, with qualification based upon a ‘points per game’ basis. Given how well
       the top Hellenic League teams are doing, it looks inevitable that this league will
       be one that sees two sides leaving on their way to Step 4.
       So, with 26 teams moving up, there will still be a need to relegate sides, but it
       is likely that only six teams will be relegated from Step 4. That then makes the
       final twenty teams to comprise the new, additional division.
       Now, where those teams that are relegated are geographically located will then
       influence where teams are placed at Step 5, as the FA reviews the distribution
       to decide whether any lateral moves are necessary.
       Confused? Wondering how it will affect Tuffley Rovers? Well, we aren’t looking
       likely  to  occupy  a  promotion  or  relegation  place,  as  we  sit  in  a  relatively
       comfortable mid-place position. If you are a wild optimist, I’ll let you know now
       that promotion is an impossibility. For those feeling a little pessimistic, the good
       news is that it is also (although not quite) as impossible for us to be relegated,
       as we are guaranteed to finish no lower than tenth in the table.
       So, we’re safe in the Hellenic League Premier Division next year? No, not quite!
       Depending what happens throughout the whole restructure, there is always the
       possibility that we could be moved to another league, with the most likely option
       (if we were laterally moved) a relocation to the Western League. Again, it might
       be unlikely but it can’t be ruled out.
       Got it? Great. See you in 2018/19. Somewhere….
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