Page 3 - Keynsham Town FC v Wells City 251123
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Good  afternoon  and  a  very  warm  welcome  to  the
       players,  coaching  team  and  supporters  of  our  visitors
       Wells City for this Toolstation Western League Division
       One game.
       Our committee would also like to welcome today’s match
       officials, referee  David Lilly  and  his  2  assistants,  Brian
       Bishop & Mark Vipond.

       The last 2 Saturdays have yielded 2 much-needed wins
       in  our  relegation  battle.  A  convincing  second  half
       performance at home to Cheddar led us to a 4-0 victory,
       which was then followed by the weirdest 5 days I think
       any of us have experienced in football!

       We hosted Shirehampton in the Les Phillips Cup, and somehow contrived to turn a
       3-0 lead after a scintillating first half into an embarrassing 9-4 defeat. However the
       lads bounced back with aplomb last weekend when we played Shire again in the
       League. Despite worried looks from the Ks faithful when Shire once again reduced
       our  lead  to  4-3 early in the second half  (I am sure I wasn’t the only  one who
       thought to myself “here we go again”), we stepped up a gear to go on to record
       an impressive 7-3 win.

       Despite a 4-3 reverse on Tuesday night at Longwell Green Sports, we still have a
       couple of games in hand on clubs around us, so the run of 3 successive home
       games this week is crucial. It is important that everyone from our committee to
       you, the supporters, get behind Ash, Marv and the lads to help us get to where we
       want to be.
       Don’t forget  to keep up with all the  Ks news via  our social media channels!  In
       particular, details will be issued  shortly  for a  bargain  season ticket  deal for  our
       remaining home Western League games.
       As always, I thank you in anticipation of your continued support in the important
       weeks ahead!

       Up the Ks!!

       Jules French (Club Secretary)
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