Page 13 - Mendip Broadwalk FC v Ilminster Town 230324
P. 13


       Kate Middleton rocking up at the local Morrison’s couldn’t even rival the return of this
       weeks WAGS column!
       With no write ups since before Christmas, there’s a lot to catch you up on!

       One of our first matches post Christmas was scheduled to be against Wells City - a team
       we had a tangled history with. All the locals were kitted out in the best clobber Santa
       could buy hoping to see more drama then an Eastenders Christmas episode. But, alas,
       poor weather meant the game would be postponed.

       Weather has been a constant battle since Christmas. Games have been called off left,
       right and centre - leaving the boys without games for (at times) weeks on end and us
       WAGS with nothing but headaches from dealing with having them home. Our home game
       against chard was called off 5 minutes before kick off - despite Dickie pouring half of
       Brean beach on it - resulting in a waste of a hair wash and a face of makeup!

       However, the fixtures we did manage to get on have gone well leaving the boys still
       sitting comfortable at the top of the table.
       One heartache we have faced was the replay of the cup game against Ilminster. We’d
       already  beat  them  1-0  but  due  to  an  issue  over  players  we  headed  down  (my  poor
       mileage) for yet another game against them. Despite Dylan being on a comeback and
       landing a hat-trick within the first half, we still lost 4-3. Our dream of progressing in the
       cup came crashing down harder than Jordan’s dream of starting for Nailsea Tickenham.

       We’ve seen Rhys get his first ever Mendip red away to Illminster, seen Milly perform some
       sketchy first aid at Keynsham and seen Ben get injured more times than we can count
       on two hands. The one thing that hasn’t eased up is the noise level of manager Ryan
       Perret. Rumour has it, Mason could hear a few of our games over in Bali thanks to Ryan!

       With a confident second half, resulting in a win against Keynsham on Tuesday, the boys
       look stronger than ever to take revenge against the Illminster mob this Saturday!

       Further updates: Medj still hasn’t caught a flight, Brad C will be watching 3 games with
       the WAGS and I’m still waiting on an invite to tour!
       See you all Saturday,

       Up the Mendip!!

       The WAGS
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