Page 13 - Keynsham Town FC v Cadbury Heath 301021
P. 13

Mike Grist              Nathan Curnock               Sam Jones

    Gristy is another ex-Wells City  Joined 2015/16 and made the left-  Sam joins us for the 2021-22
    player who played under John for  back slot his own a er previously  season. He joined from Odd
    many years; a no-nonsense centre  playing as a le  winger. Pacy, adds  Down and has impressed during
    half, he joined from Bristol  useful height to our defence at set
    Telephones, making his debut at  pieces, although does not usually  the pre-season. He can play
    Radstock Town. Also chips in with  net un l Christmas has been and  centre mid, or full back and his
    some vital goals and forms part of  gone. Unfortunate to miss all the  versa lity, work rate and quality
    the famed “Mitchell Brothers”  curtailed 2019-20 season with a  will help strengthen the squad for
    centre-half duo when paired with  serious hip injury but is now fully  the coming season.
    Sco  Saunders!             fit and raring to go.

         Sco  Saunders              Sco  Gregory                Will Hailston

   Sauce possesses a range of                            Will joins us for the 2021-22
   passing and is excellent in the air.  Sco  joined from Hellenic side  season bringing a wealth of
   He can also play at full back, and  Westbury United for the 2021/22  experience to the squad. A
   his experience of gaining  season. The experienced centre  talented proven goal scorer having
   promo on from Division 1 with  half, who has also played for  played for Paulton Rovers and
   Wells City was invaluable for the  Radstock and Oldland, will add  Frome Town in the Southern
   Ks when we won the Division  further strength to our defence.  League as well as Bradford Town &
   One  tle in 2019-2019. Previous                       Bristol Manor Form in the
   clubs include Cu ers Friday,                          Western League Prem. Adds a new
   Brislington, and Backwell.                            dimension to our forward line.
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