Page 3 - Shirehampton FC v Odd Down 011022
P. 3


     Good afternoon and welcome to Odd Down           SHIREHAMPTON
     players officials and supporters.
                                                       FOOTBALL CLUB
     We come into today on the back of a good
     mid  week  result  vs  Boco.  A  little                 President
     disappointed  we  didn’t  get  the  win  but  I        Kelvin Gordon
     think a draw was a fair result for both teams.
     We had the more clear cut chances and in                Chairman:
     the  first  half  they  looked  a  lot  more             Pete McCall
     comfortable  in  possession.  We  tweaked  a
     few things at half time and we stopped them
     playing and took a lead which we couldn’t             Vice Chairman:
     quite  hold  onto.  Again  it  proves  what  a         Sam Whittaker
     learning  curve  this  season  is  going  to  be,
     what I liked most about us Wednesday was          Secretary & Treasurer:
     how we defended well as a team when our               Mark Stockham
     backs  were  against  the  wall,  we  have  to
     enjoy  that  side  of  the  game  and  grinding
     things  out,  whilst  we  weren’t  perfect  we    Committee Members:
     showed  guts  and  determination  and  a                James Loud
     willingness  to  defend  which  hasn’t  been           Sharlie Sollars
     there recently, for me that was a step in the           Lee Rogers
     right direction and long May that continue.          Richard Whittaker
     We  have  to  take  pride  in  defending  as  a         Paul Brimson
     team and working hard, in my opinion with                Pete Kelly
     Ryan Radford and Scott Bamford up the top
     end  of  the  pitch  if  we  can  limit  the  goals   Bar Manager:
     against  we  will  give  ourselves  a  great           Alex Warman
     chance  in  every  game  we  play  because  I
     don’t  think  there’s  a  better  forward             Club address:
     partnership in the division.                           Penpole Lane,

     New  signings  Luke  Burman  (Left  Back),             Shirehampton
     Jordan Laraway (Right Back) and Miles Scott           Bristol BS11 0EA
     (Left Winger) join us in the squad they were
     signed to strengthen us during the 2 week          Telephone number:
     break.                                                 0117 235 461

     Enjoy the game, see you in the bar                  Twitter: @OfficialShirefc
                                                       Facebook: Shirehampton FC
     LG x                                              Instagram: Shirehampton FC
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