Page 29 - GCWL - Rules 2022 2023
P. 29


              (B) In the event of the dissolution of the Competition, the members of
              the Management Committee are responsible for the winding up of the
              assets and liabilities of the Competition.

               (C) The Management Committee shall deal with any surplus assets as

               1.  Any  surplus  assets,  save  for  a  Trophy  or  any  other  presentation,
              remaining  after  the  discharge  of  the  debts  and  liabilities  of  the
              Competition  shall  be  transferred  only  to  another  Competition  or
              Affiliated Association or The Football Association Benevolent Fund or
              to  such  other  charitable  or  benevolent  object  in  the  locality  of  the
              Competition as determined by resolution at or before the time of winding
              up, and approved in writing by the Sanctioning Authority.

               2. If a Competition is discontinued for any reason a trophy or any other
              presentation shall be returned to the donor if the conditions attached to
              it  so  provide  or,  if  not,  dealt  with  as  the  Sanctioning  Authority  may

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