Page 35 - GCWL - Rules 2022 2023
P. 35


              c) Order that such Competition Match or Matches be replayed (on such
              terms as are decided by the Management Committee).

              (N) The following Clause applies to Competitions involving players in
              full time secondary education:-
              1. Priority must be given at all times to activities of schools and school
              organisations. Failure to comply with this Rule  will result  in  a fine in
              accordance with the Fines Tariff.

              2. The availability of children and young people must be cleared with
              the  Head  Teachers  or  Principals  (except  for  Sunday  leagues

              3. To play open age football the player must have achieved the age of

              (O)  A  player  who  has  played  for  a  team  in  a  higher  division  of  this
              competition 5 times or more shall not in the same season be eligible to
              play  in  a  lower  Division  except  by  permission  of  the  Management

              (P) Players from the Gloucestershire Football Association Player Pool
              may be used, subject to the following conditions

              1. Players must be Registered with the GFA Player Pool.
              2.  Pool  players  must  have  in  their  possession  the  Pool  Registration
              Card, failure to produce it will mean the player cannot play in the match.
              3. A Pool player may only play for the same team twice in any 30 day
              4. Only 2 Pool players may be used by a team in a match to boost a
              team to no more than 12 players in total.
              5. Pool players must be covered by the Host team’s insurance.
              6.  Any  Pool  player  who  decides  to  permanently  join  a  Club,  their
              membership of the Player Pool is cancelled; their GFA Player Pool ID
              card must be sent with their League Player Registration Form to the
              Players Registration Secretary.

          CLUB COLOURS
          19.  (A) Every team must register the colour of its shirts and shorts with the
              Secretary by 31st July and the Competition Secretary shall decide as
              to their suitability.

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