Page 41 - GCWL - Rules 2022 2023
P. 41


              Prior to each match the participating teams and officials shall conduct
              the  ‘Respect’  handshake  and/or  participating  teams  to  offer  ‘three
              cheers’ and handshakes to the opposing team after the match.

              All teams must have a fully equipped first aid case, and at least one
              person at a match who is a) NOT a player/substitute on the day and b)
              is  a  qualified  first  aider  (as  a  minimum  in  FA  Emergency  Aid);  such
              person or persons to be named to the League secretary prior to the
              commencement of the playing season.

              Friendly matches are to be allowed as and when a Club desires, as long
              as it does not interfere with any Competition Matches. In the event of a
              Competition Match being rearranged for the same day as a friendly, the
              Competition Match will take precedence.

          21.   (A) The Competition Fixtures Secretary must receive within three days
              of  the  date  played,  the  result  of  each  Competition  Match  in  the
              prescribed manner. These must include the forename and surname of
              the  team  players  (in  block  letters)  and  also  the  referee  markings
              required  by  Rule  23  or  any  other  information  required  by  the
              Competition. Match reports may be scanned and sent electronically to
              the Fixtures Secretary.
              The match or club secretary, or Full Time admin must upload the match
              statistics  -  including  first  11  players,  any  substitutes,  goals,  cards
              and/disciplines received within the Competition Match, onto the Full-
              time  website  within  the  same  time  constraints  as  the  match  reports
              being sent.
              Failure to comply with this Rule may result in a fine in accordance with
              the Fines Tariff.

              (B) Both Clubs shall use SMS to notify the result of each match directly
              to the League Website within two hours of the end of the match. Failure
              to comply with this Rule will result in fine in accordance with the Fines

              (C) The match result notification, correctly completed, shall be signed
              by a responsible member of the Club. Failure to comply with this Rule
              will result in a fine in accordance with the Fines Tariff.

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