Page 3 - Cheltenham Saracens v Milton Utd 291022
P. 3

Welcome to the Big Local Stadium

       Greetings  everyone  and  welcome  to  the  Big  Local  Stadium,  in
       particular  the  management  and  players  of  today’s  visitors  Milton
       United FC  for this Uhlsport Hellenic League First Division fixture. We
       should also welcome our Match Officials and hope they enjoy their
       stay with us.

       Last  weekend  we  went  down  5-3  at  home  to  Belper  United  from
       Derbyshire  in  an  exciting  FA  Vase  tie  to  end  our  interest  in  that
       competition  for  another  year.  It  is  always  nice  to  pit  yourselves
       against teams from another part of the Country and we gave a good
       account of our Club on the day.

       In the next round of the Bluefin Sports League Challenge Cup we
       have been paired at home with Second Division Newbury.

       Today  we  entertain  the  league  leaders  Milton  United  whom  we
       expect to give us a stiff examination this afternoon.

       Please come along and support the Rich Stevenson Memorial Match
       tomorrow morning at 11am. All proceeds go to a good cause - the
       British Heart Foundation. (Don’t forget to alter your clocks tonight!!).

       We hope you all enjoy today’s game, hopefully an entertaining one
       with a positive result for us at the end, and will come again soon.

       I look forward to seeing you here again next time.

               Match programme produced on behalf of Cheltenham Saracens FC by
                                 BRISTOL SOCCERWORLD
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