Page 3 - Yate Town v Man Utd Legends
P. 3

Welcome to

       Yate Town Football Club

       Good afternoon,

       Firstly, may I  welcome you all to, The South West interiors Stadium, for what we
       hope will be a fantastic and enjoyable day for all involved.
       I would like to extend an extra special welcome to the Manchester United Legends
       squad who have agreed to come and play and make this such a special day, also
       of  course  not forgetting  the  Yate  Town  players and  Staff,  which  for  us,  as  any
       footballer knows, is always great to meet up and have a drink,laugh and talk about
       how bad we really were, well some were !!!
       I would also like to say a big thank you to Mark Thorne our commercial manager
       and Iain Prior, club Secretary, for putting in the work for this game to go ahead,
       trust me I’ve been cc’d into the emails, so I’ve seen what’s been going on.
       As most will know, or not, I am a Yate lad, born and bred, who was lucky enough
       to fulfil the dream of any kid and play professional football, then later managed this
       club for ten years, until that inevitable day   , however, I am proud and honoured,
       to  have  served  the  club  from  player  through  to  my  current  role  of  Director  of
       This was difficult to pick an 18 for this game, as these are the games everyone
       wants to be involved in, so if I’ve left anybody out who feels they should be in the
       squad, I apologise now.
       I would like to think there will be some old favourites and characters on show, old
       being the important word here, for all to see, quite a few have been based on my
       promotion winning squads of 2003 and 2005 (Yate Town that is, not Man U   )
       and the Manchester United legends will speak for themselves.
       Hopefully, people will enjoy the day and return for some of the up and coming
       league campaign and build on what we are trying to achieve here, which we all
       know is success is built on great support, you ask those Manchester United lads,
       they will tell you.
       Finally  the  charities  that  will  benefit  today  are  Scope  UK  and  Bristol  Children's
       Hospital's (Paediatric Neurology Department), so let’s all do our best and raise as
       much as we can for these worthwhile causes.
       Enjoy the day all, look forward to a few beers in the bar after, please mingle and
       interact with players from both sides, I certainly know the Yate lads will have a tale
       or two, most of them I’ve heard a thousand times.

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