Page 3 - Shirehampton FC v Middlezoy Rovers 300923
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     Good  afternoon  and  welcome  to  Middlezoy  Players,   SHIREHAMPTON
     Officials and supporters.
                                                       FOOTBALL CLUB
     Today will bring a tough opponent to the creek who we
     played in a hard fought 1-0 victory only a few weeks ago.   President
     It’s never easy preparing for a game against an opponent   Kelvin Gordon
     so  quickly  after  gaining  victory  with  them  almost   Chairman:
     guaranteed to arrive today looking to avenge that defeat,   Pete McCall
     we  have  to  win  the  battle  on  the  pitch  from  the  first
     whistle today and Null there attacking threat a bit like we
     did in the away fixture and then let our footballing ability   Secretary & Treasurer:
     take control.                                         Mark Stockham
     Without being disrespectful to the team that gained that   Assistant Secretary:
     1-0  victory  we  are  a  much  better  team  now  with   Richard Carey
     everyone  returned  from  injury,  it’s  all  about  match   r-carey&
     sharpness now  and we  need the  games  to come  thick
     and fast to help with that. I still maintain with a fully fit   Matchday Secretary:
     squad we are a match for anyone in this division and we   James Hall
     are afraid of nobody, I believe we are a stronger squad
     than last year but only positive results on the pitch can   Committee Members:
                                                             James Loud
     start confirming that.                                  Sharlie Sollars
                                                             Lee Rogers
     I have set us a target to just win as many games as we   Tom Donnely
     possibly  can  between  now  and  Christmas,  and  we  will
     review  what  our  realistic  targets  are  then.  It’s  always   Bar Manager:
     been to match or go one better than last seasons near   Alex Warman
     miss but our unfortunate start has de-railed that at the
     moment  but  I  won’t  be  giving  up  and  neither  will  the   Club address:
     players.  Our  backs  are  against  the  wall  and  we  are  a   Penpole Lane,
     better team under pressure so I expect the boys to have   Shirehampton
     a proper go over the coming months and let’s see where   Bristol BS11 0EA
     it takes us.                                       Telephone number:
                                                            0117 235 461
     Enjoy the game
                                                         Twitter: @OfficialShirefc
     LG x                                              Facebook: Shirehampton FC
                                                       Instagram: Shirehampton FC
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