Page 102 - Technology Plan ICT Review
P. 102
Communication con’t
F.1 Planets
F. 1.2.1
F. 1.2.2
F. 1.2.3
F. 1.2.4
F 2.2.3
C. 6.2.3
use graphic organizers, such as mind mapping/ webbing, flow charting and outlining, to present connections between ideas and information in a problem-solving environment
The Explorers
Writing a Story
Students will demonstrate an understanding of the nature of technology.
apply terminology appropriate to the technologies being used at this division level
Gr 5
Gr 6
Humanitie s5
Math 5
Science 5
Social 6
Math 6
Science 6
C. 6.2.4
solve problems, using numerical operations and such tools as calculators and spreadsheets
Graphing Data
identify and apply techniques and tools for communicating, storing, retrieving and selecting information
C. 6.2.5
solve problems requiring the sorting, organizing, classifying and extending of data, using such tools as calculators, spreadsheets, databases or hypertext
The Explorers
Writing a Story
Graphing Data
Letter to the Mayor
Story Writing
explain the advantages and limitations of using computers to store, organize, retrieve and select information
C. 6.2.6
solve issue-related problems, using such communication tools as a word processor or email to involve others in the process
Letter to the Mayor
recognize the potential for human error when using technology
C. 6.2.7
generate alternative solutions to problems by using technology to facilitate the process
Graphing Data
Mechanis ms
Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society.
Gr 5
Gr 6
Humaniti es 5
Math 5
Science 5
Social 6
LA 6
Math 6
Science 6
Students will use electronic research techniques to construct personal knowledge and meaning.
Gr 5
Gr 6
Humanities 5
Math 5
Science 5
Social 6
Math 6
Science 6
identify how technological developments influence one’s life
C. 7.2.1
use a variety of technologies to organize and synthesize researched information
The Explorers
Writing a Story
Geographic Regions of Canada
identify the role technology plays in a variety of careers
Letter to the Mayor
C. 7.2.2
use selected presentation tools to demonstrate connections among various pieces of information
Graphing Data
Examine the environment issues related to the use of technology
Geographi c Regions of Canada