Page 100 - Technology Plan ICT Review
P. 100

High School/Middle School ICT Scope and Sequence
Dr. Brosseau Elementary School - Division 2
Legend:  -Introduced -Reinforced
The development of a first draft for the ICT Scope and Sequence for the Middle and High School involved the following:
1) Collection of curriculum based technology integrated project plans.
2) Assignment of ICT outcomes to each grade level based on the collected projects.
3) Evaluation to determine suitability of the assigned ICT outcomes to each grade
4) Identification of course/s or subject/s that can introduce all the outcomes under
5) Identification of software applications that are utilized in the projects.
The first draft of the ICT Scope and Sequence maps out how each grade level meets (or does not meet) each ICT outcome in every division. The activities / projects named for every outcome evidences the use of technology (hardware and software) and the current ICT skill level applied by both teachers and students for learning. It is the intention that the Scope and Sequence be continuously modified and refined to include not only the new curriculum based technology integrated projects but also student specific skill sets for every grade and application.
In the meantime teachers shall incorporate the assigned outcomes into their lesson plans and use the software progression table as a guide in assessing students’ competency with regards to their subject’s required application.
The ICT Focus for next year 2004-2005 will therefore involve the following:
1) Re-evaluation of the ICT Scope and Sequence to gauge its suitability in the se- quencing of technology skills within Divisions 3 and 4.
2) Produce a skill sets progression that is specific to the applications used in the schools and thus help identify the technology skills expected from teachers for that grade level.
3) Develop a teacher skill set to guide teachers in forwarding requests for technol- ogy training.
4) The collection of curriculum based technology project plans will continue to sub- stantiate the ICT Scope and Sequence and to drive the development of the tech- nology skill set for both students and teachers in every grade level.
5) Use of Scope and Sequence by the ICT Support Teacher followed by use of the skill set progression as a basis for devising relevant professional development courses.
Students will access, use and communicate information from a variety of technologies.
Gr 5
Gr 6
Humanitie s5
Math 5
Science 5
Social 6
Math 6
Science 6
C. 1.2.1
access and retrieve appropriate information from the Internet by using a specific search path or from given uniform resource locations (URLs)
Geographi c Regions of Canada
Writing a Story
Writing Poetry
C. 1.2.2
organize information gathered from the Internet, or an electronic source, by selecting and recording the data in logical files or categories; and by communicating effectively, through appropriate forms, such as speeches, reports and multimedia presentation
Geographi c Regions of Canada
Writing a Story
Writing Poetry
Students will seek alternative viewpoints, using information technologies.
Gr 5
Gr 6
Humanitie s5
Math 5
Science 5
Social 6
Math 6
Science 6
C. 2.2.1
seek responses to inquiries from various authorities through electronic media
Geographi c Regions of Canada
Writing a Story
Writing Poetry

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