Page 131 - Technology Plan ICT Review
P. 131
Communication con’t
C. 2.4.2
evaluate the validity of gathered viewpoints against other sources
Students will critically assess information accessed through the use of a variety of technologies.
Gr 10
Gr 11
Gr 12
Eng 10
Math 10
Sci 10
Soc 10
Eng 11
Sci 11
Soc 11
Math 11
Eng 12
Soc 12
Rel 12
Math 12
Sci 12
C. 3.4.1
assess the authority, reliability and validity of electronically accessed information
C. 3.4.2
demonstrate discriminator y selection of electronically accessed information that is relevant to a particular topic
Students will use organization al processes and tools to manage inquiry.
Gr 10
Gr 11
Gr 12
Eng 10
Math 10
Sci 10
Soc 10
Eng 11
Sci 11
Soc 11
Math 11
Eng 12
Soc 12
Rel 12
Math 12
Sci 12
C. 4.4.1
use calendars, time management or project management software to assist in conducting an inquiry
Students will use technology to aid collaboration during inquiry.
Gr 10
Gr 11
Gr 12
Eng 10
Math 10
Sci 10
Soc 10
Eng 11
Sci 11
Soc 11
Math 11
Eng 12
Soc 12
Rel 12
Math 12
Sci 12
C. 5.4.1
use telecommuni cations to pose critical questions to experts
Politics and Gover nment
Students will access, use and communicat e information from a variety of technologies.
Gr 10
Gr 11
Gr 12
Eng 10
Math 10
Sci 10
Soc 10
Eng 11
Sci 11
Soc 11
Math 11
Eng 12
Soc 12
Rel 12
Math 12
Sci 12
C. 1.4.1
plan and perform complex searches, using more than one electronics source
Politics and Gover n-ment
Industri ali- zation
C. 1.4.2
select information from appropriate sources, including primary and secondary sources
Industri ali- zation
C. 1.4.3
evaluate and explain the advantages and disadvantag es of various search strategies
C. 1.4.4
communicat e in a persuasive and engaging manner, through appropriate forms, such as speeches, letters, reports and multimedia presentation s, applying information technologies for context, audience and purpose that extend and communicat e understandin g of c
Students will seek alternative viewpoints, using information technologies.
Gr 10
Gr 11
Gr 12
Eng 10
Math 10
Sci 10
Soc 10
Eng 11
Sci 11
Soc 11
Math 11
Eng 12
Soc 12
Rel 12
Math 12
Sci 12
C. 2.4.1
consult a wide variety of sources that reflect varied viewpoints on particular topics
Notre Dame High School - Division 4