Page 132 - Technology Plan ICT Review
P. 132

Communication con’t
Students will use electronic techniques to construct personal knowledge and meaning.
Gr 10
Gr 11
Gr 12
Eng 10
Math 10
Sci 10
Soc 10
Eng 11
Sci 11
Soc 11
Math 11
Eng 12
Soc 12
Rel 12
Math 12
Sci 12
C. 7.4. 1
use appropriate strategies to locate information to meet personal needs
Industri ali- zation
C. 7.4. 2
analyze and synthesize information to determine patterns and links among ideas
Industri ali- zation
C. 7.4. 3
use appropriate presentation software to demonstrate personal understandings
My Life in Lyrics
Portfoli o
Novel Presen -tation
Communication con’t
C. 5.4.2
participate in a variety of electronic group formats
Students will use technology to investigate and/or solve problems.
Gr 10
Gr 11
Gr 12
Eng 10
Math 10
Sci 10
Soc 10
Eng 11
Sci 11
Soc 11
Math 11
Eng 12
Soc 12
Rel 12
Math 12
Sci 12
C. 6.4.1
investigate and solve problems of prediction, calculation and inference
Stoich iometr y
Titra- tion
C. 6.4.2
investigate and solve problems of organization and manipulation of information
Narra- tive Prose Crea- tion
C. 6.4.3
manipulate data by using charting and graphing technologies in order to test inferences and probabilities
Industri ali- zation
Titra- tion
C. 6.4.4
generate new understanding of problematic situations by using some form of technology to facilitate the process
Industri ali- zation
Titra- tion
C. 6.4.5
evaluate the appropriatenes s of the technology used to investigate or solve a problem
Industri ali- zation

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