Page 153 - Technology Plan ICT Review
P. 153
Social Studies 8 Social Studies 8
Knowledge Skills
Understand the nature of technology
Apply terminology appropriate to the technologies being used (F.1.3.3)
Explain the concept of software and hardware compatibility (F.1.3.2)
Explain how the need for global communication affects technology around the world (F.1.3.6)
Demonstrate an understanding that technology is a process, technique or tool used to alter human activity (F.1.3.8)
Understand the role of technology
Make inferences regarding future trends in the development and impact of communication technologies (F.2.3.5)
Explain ways in which technology can assist in the monitoring of local and global environmental conditions. (F.2.3.6)
Analyze and assess the impact on society of having limitless access to information (F.2.3.7)
Identify the manner in which telecommunications technology affects time and distance (F.2.3.8)
Operating Skills
Operate various information and communication technologies.
Connect and use audio, video and digital equipment (F.6.3.1).
Perform routine data maintenance and management of personal files (F.6.3.2).
Demonstrate the ability to control devices electronically (F.6.3.4).
Navigate the internet with appropriate software (Internet Explorer, Safari) (P.5.3.2)
Use the Internet
Demonstrate various use of various information retrieval technologies (P.5.3.2)
Science 8
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Access, share, download or upload digital files in the internet or school network.
Access, retrieve and share information from electronic sources, such as common files (C.5.3.1)
Demonstrate proficiency in accessing local area network, wide area network and Internet services, including uploading and downloading text, image, audio and video files. (P.6.3.2)
Problem Solving Skills
Demonstrate skills of decision making and problem solving
Articulate a plan of action to use technology to solve a problem (C.6.3.1)
Identify the appropriate materials and tools to use in order to accomplish a plan
of action. (C.6.3.2)
Evaluate choices and the progress in problem solving, then redefine the plan of
action as appropriate (C.6.3.3)
Create a simulation or a model by using technology that permits the making of
inferences (C.6.3.5)
Identify patterns in organized information (C.7.3.1)
Collaborative Skills
Demonstrate skills of cooperation, conflict resolution and consensus building in the use of technology for collaboration,
Access, retrieve and share information from electronic sources, such as common files (C.5.3.1)
Use networks to brainstorm, plan and share ideas with group members (C.5.3.2) Research Skills
A. Plan the research
Articulate a plan of action to use technology to solve a problem (C.6.3.1)
B. Find sources for information
Plan and conduct a search, using a wide variety of electronic sources. (C.1.3.1) Access and retrieve information through the electronic network (C.1.3.4)
C. Select and use appropriate search strategies
Demonstrate the advanced search skills necessary to limit the number of hits desired for online and offline databases; for example, the use of "and" or "or"
Social Studies 8
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