Page 7 - Technology Plan ICT Review
P. 7

The major focus of the technology department for the last three years has been to develop and implement hardware and software standards so as to create the highest level of stability across the District/School network. We now have that stability so it is timely to turn our focus to optimizing the use of this existing software and hardware.
The initial review process for support services began last year by meeting with the Instructional Program Coordinator (IPC) to outline accomplishments to date and develop a vision for the future.
The initial assessment of training support services revealed that there were a number of issues that needed to be addressed. More specifically, in the area of ongoing training there was a need to provide equitable, frequent and up to date technology training. As a result of these findings, goal strategies were developed for the IPC to implement across the district. The major focus of these strategies has been to develop the school specific technology support resources and expectations for ICT and CTS programs.
“ My sense is that we did not utilize the coordinator position to its full potential. He made himself available but most of the time, the focus was on ICT projects and there were other needs that could have been addressed. Although he did prepare PD presen- tations for staff, the conversation was often above people's knowledge base to the point that the staff didn't pick up the intended message/skills. I need to take partial responsibility for not utilizing the position to its fullest, because I did not ask for a lot of inservicing to take place. As I think about whether or not the school could move for- ward without a coordinator, the answer is yes and no. Yes, there are staff members at the school who have acquired the basic (essential) skills needed to properly utilize tech- nology and these staff members could easily train the other staff members in those skills. No, we do not have a long term vision for using technology and, therefore, would need someone to continue to push us forward in our thinking and in our skills.”

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