Page 19 - LeaderShift 2020: Chapter One -Who Really Needs Another Leadership Book!
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LeaderShift 2020
LeaderShift 2020 will explore some of the key elements of educational leadership development, while at the same time identifying and ultimately removing common barriers. More importantly, it will define what we identify as the essential six pillars, 34 elements, and 229 indicators of modern learning organizations; and offer a practical approach for you and your Leadershift team to formulate a shared “2020 Vision” and strategic action plan to attain this vision for teaching, learning, and assessment.
Furthermore, we will provide you with the tools and resources necessary to formatively evaluate and measure the current state of teaching, learning, and assessment; and collectively determine data-informed solutions that can be implemented to enhance practice across your learning organization. LeaderShift 2020 is designed to help you discover your leadershift potential while simultaneously building leadershift capacity in others.
Who Really Needs Another Leadership Book

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