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From the Will of Sir Sidney Cockerell
1867 - 1962
I have been blessed throughout my long life
with a number of the dearest and kindest friends,
both men and women, that ever man had.
Gratefully conscious of all they have meant to me,
I declare Friendship to be precious beyond all words.
But it is like a plant that withers if it is not carefully
tended - it must be fostered by means of visits, of
letters, of little services and attentions, and by
constant thought, sympathy, and kindness.
I implore you all to remember this in order that the
blessings that have been so abundantly mine
may also be yours to the utmost.
Occasion Singers
Occasions Singers is a group of talented friends whom
Betty and David knew for many years through their very close
association with The Reading Phoenix Choir.
All of those singing today are known to Betty, and it is the
essence of true and lasting friendship through choral music
that they should join with St George’s Church Choir as we all
say our final goodbyes to a lovely lady.
Whatever your connection with Betty,
thank you all for coming today.