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C u Tuesday @112
On 11th February, David Gynes joins us to tell us about
‘Purbeck Parkys’, a support group for those suffering from
Parkinson's and their families.
As usual we meet at 2 pm and follow our conversation with David
with tea and cake.
Do join us - everybody welcome.
Our Candle-lit Evenings were very well supported and ultimately
raised over £660. There were many willing helpers in all areas and
our success was due to their efforts. Thank you all.
The Worship Area looked amazing and our Knitivity, as usual, was
much admired.
‘Coffee@112’ has been a bit quiet during January but as the
weather improves it will doubtless pick up again. Do pop in and
bring friends living alone or in need of company.
OUR NEXT Fund Raiser is another popular BEETLE & BINGO
EVENING on SATURDAY FEBRUARY 15 from 6 pm. Tickets,
including Supper, will be £6 from Ruth or any member of the Fund
Raising Team.
Book the 15 March for our next Quiz to be organised by Martin.
This is always a very well supported evening so be sure to get
your ticket early!
With the many building maintenance projects we have to address
this year we need to make this a bumper year for Fund Raising!
T F n R i r