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We would hear God in the rush and the resting –
speaking, in Christ, of a love that won’t cease;
Opening our hearts for the Spirit’s warm nesting;
Blessing our journeys with mercy and peace.
Words: Wendy Fellingham: Tune: Epiphany
The Blessing CCLI 164158
There will be a retiring collection (buckets at the door) in aid of
Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) a Christian mission
organisation that utilises planes to reach those living in isolated and
unreachable places. Their pilots and personnel deliver relief
workers, doctors, food, medicines, pastors, school books, –
everything that can be safely and speedily transported by air.
With an MAF plane taking off or landing every six minutes, the need
is huge!
Do come and hear Rebecca Fell
‘Where do you come from?
And where are you now?’
All Saints’ Church, 5 Redcliffe Road, Swanage
Wednesday 20th September
Doors open at 6.30 pm (coffee/tea) presentation from 7 pm
Rebecca Fell is the Chief Executive Officer of the Bournemouth based
ICN (International Care Network). This is a Christian charity which
exists to support asylum seekers, refugees and other vulnerable migrants
from all faiths and backgrounds to rebuild their lives in the UK.
This promises to be a most interesting session and an opportunity
to hear from an organisation that is dealing first hand with what is a very
live and challenging public policy issue of today.
All are welcome.
Our Vision
† To Worship God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit
† To make God’s love known to all people
† To show God’s love by the way we lead our lives