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       Gathering Words
       And so let us focus this morning on hospitality and the way we
       welcome others:
       O, may our hearts and minds be opened, fling the church doors
       open wide and may there be room enough for everyone inside. For
       in God there is a welcome, in God we all belong.
       Help us to be open to all He has offered.

       Please respond with the words in bold
       Davina: God has shown us what is good, so what then is required
       of us?

       All: To act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God.

       Davina: Jesus says: Anyone who welcomes you welcomes me, and
       anyone who welcomes me welcomes the One who sent me.

       All: The Spirit says, ‘Come.’ Let each one who hears the Spirit
       say, ‘Come,’ for all are welcome here.

       It matters not, that you are single, married or divorced, gay or
       straight, whatever your age, colour, disability, gender, race or
       religion– we are a totally inclusive community and we want this to
       be perfectly clear that ALL people are welcome here.

       No one will be harassed, no one will be judged, no one will label

       Welcome stranger, young, old, rich and poor, you are welcome

       Let it be public knowledge that we take seriously God's welcome;
       God's invitation, to come, be forgiven, fed and renewed, in and by
       the waters of life.

       Let the thirsty ones come - let them come and drink the water of life.

               Adapted from 'Institute from Welcoming Resources'

              Also -  A Liturgy of God’s Welcome. Rev. Jay Wallace
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