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P. 3

Forget that I've stumbled and blundered
                            And sometimes fell by the way
                      Remember I have fought some hard battles
                           And won, ere the close of the day

                           Then forget to grieve for my going
                          I would not have you sad for a day
                        But in summer just gather some flowers
                         And remember the place where I lay

                          And come in the shade of evening
                        When the sun paints the sky in the west
                         Stand for a few moments beside me
                             And remember only my best

                                  by Lyman Hancock


                               Go, tell it on the mountain
                            Over the hills and everywhere
                               Go, tell it on the mountain
                               That Jesus Christ is born

         While shepherds kept their watching       Go, tell it on the mountain
              O'er silent flocks by night        Over the hills and everywhere
           Behold throughout the heavens           Go, tell it on the mountain
               There shone a Holy light             That Jesus Christ is born

              Go, tell it on the mountain           Down in a lowly manger
            Over the hills and everywhere         Our humble Christ was born
              Go, tell it on the mountain         And brought us all salvation
              That Jesus Christ is born           That blessed Christmas morn

         The shepherds feared and trembled         Go, tell it on the mountain
              When, lo! Above the Earth          Over the hills and everywhere
              Rang out the angel chorus            Go, tell it on the mountain
            That hailed our Saviour's birth         That Jesus Christ is born
                                                    That Jesus Christ is born

                                    The Prayers

                                The Commendation

                     Interment follows at Crack Lane Cemetery
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