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                      My Heart is Offered Still to You ~ Lasso

                              Ride the Chariot ~ Smith

          Immediately after the Service, Betty’s family and friends, and
       anyone who wishes to join them, will walk to Crack Lane Cemetery
                   for Betty’s Interment in her final resting place.
        It is a ten-minute walk downhill, so be prepared for a bit of a climb
                                  on the way back!

          Betty was a wonderful hostess and she enjoyed ‘looking after’
         people! Please do honour her memory and make her happy by
           crossing the road to the Village Hall opposite the Church for
         refreshments and a chat. And, please don’t stand on ceremony:
       make a start on what you find and don’t wait for the walkers’ return!

           On her birthday, fewer than six weeks ago, Betty was very excitedly
             buying yet another pair of shoes! An ‘impulse buy’ of course!
                       She then enjoyed some cake! Happy days.

                 There will be a retiring collection at the Church door.
         Betty was mad about cats [and dogs as well, provided they didn’t chase
                    the cats!] so all contributions will be donated to
             The Margaret Green Animal Rescue Centre in Church Knowle.

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