Page 21 - SPDT-SAF-Newsletter2303 Mar23
P. 21

Studland Snippets

       Studland Parish Council - The Parish Council has agreed with village
       organisations’ arrangement for the display of advertising A Boards. This agreement may
       well see a limit to one A Board per village business. You may now see less of these
       visual intrusions in the village.
       No arrangements are yet in place to celebrate the coronation of the King in May .

       The National Trust will be applying to reroute the South West Coastal path up the zig zag path into the car park due to the erosion
       of the beach in front of the former café.

       There has been positive feedback on the new café run by the Salt Pig.

       The Parish Council agreed to establish two signs on footpath 13 leading from Woodhouse Cottages towards Ballard Down. There will
       be further discussions with Dorset Council and the National Trust about rerouting the path from the Obelisk towards Currendon

       The Purbeck Society - There will be a presentation in May to the Friends of Durlston Castle. This will cover the history of the
       Purbeck Society and the current activities.
       The Purbeck Society remains concerned with the potential redevelopment of both the former Haymans shop front in Institute Road
       and Harrow House. The Purbeck Society favours more active engagement with developers so that the character of Swanage is not
       compromised by inconsiderate developments out of keeping with the character of the area.

       The next talk will be on the 10 of May in the Mowlem Insititute at 14.30pm. Details of the topic will be made available on the
       website of the Purbeck Society and its Facebook page.
       CPRE, the Countryside Charity - The Dorset branch has submitted a bid to gain support for the Great Dorset Hedge project.
       This bid will be with the Dorset Climate Action Network. If successful, the bid will assist in establishing additional hedging as well as
       thicker hedges.

       The Dorset branch are seeking expertise in ecology to assist with their work. In addition, a paid job for planning consultations and
       communication is advertised on the Dorset CPRE website. The Dorset branch are responding to the national consultation on the
       National Planning Policy Framework. This response has an emphasis on the need for local, low cost housing for the residents of
       Dorset and key workers. In addition, the response questions the notion of ever-increasing growth as this has harmful effects on the
       The National Office are drawing up a response for the consultation on the National Planning Policy Framework. This response is
       likely to emphasise the need for sustainable planning for communities as well as for planning to fully embrace transport, clean rivers,
       and measures to tackle climate change,

       Peter Bowyer

       Who Are We?
       We are a group of local people in our local Communities who
       experience depression or anxiety. We are not experts, but we
       know how it feels. For many people, this is still a very stressful
       time. Andformanyofus,wefeelwe stillcannotsafelymeetface-
       to-face at the moment, but that may change ...
       We find that a problem shared is a problem halved.

       To find out more please contact us - with confidence
       To get in    touch please contact Nick at    or phone    01929 439121,    or Mary at or phone her on 01929 426896
                            REMEMBER: THERE’S LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL
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