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Blythswood Christmas Shoeboxes

       With the warm sunshine it’s not easy to think about
       Christmas. Please make the effort to bring a bit of
       sunshine to those less fortunate than ourselves by
       supporting our appeal.

       Below is a list of the items we will be concentrating on during the
       Summer months, but anything suitable is always welcome,

                         Toothpaste and Toothbrushes
                          Socks and pants – for all ages
                              Shampoo – max 250 ml
                             Soap, flannels, sponges

                     The collecting box is in the vestibule,
                         and thank you for your support.


                                Don’t Forget
         we have the following facilities for donations

                                   Food Bank

                                    Bra Bank
              Collections of clothes, etc for Ukraine
                              Milk  Bottle Tops

              not forgetting Besom who will collect
                   furniture. Phone  07519 977732

         NEW EVENT FOR YOUR DIARY ~ more details later
                    Purbeck Village Quire
                Harvest Concert

              Saturday 12th October 2024
                        7 pm to 8 pm

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