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         Our Unchanging God

       Dear Friends,

       By the time you read this, we may have a new government, so
       there will be change. In our lives we probably fear change. When
       our friends or family have problems, or we ourselves are suffering,
       we worry and, if all is well, we still worry what the future holds.
       There are so many things to worry about in today's world, that we
       could use all our energy in anxiety.  Jesus said do not worry about
       tomorrow, and to his disciples he often said, do not be afraid.

       We are born, go through childhood, grow to adulthood and then
       gradually slow down to old age. Then we 'carry on carrying on' as
       Alan Bennet put it. We look at photos of ourselves as a laughing
       girl or a smiling boy and wonder where that person went; although
       most of us who are fortunate enough to grow old, still feel young
       inside. I think I stopped at about aged 40 – how about you?

       I met a neighbour yesterday whose husband had recently died after
       a long illness. She was grateful that he had now passed into the
       arms of the Lord. She started talking about the change it would
       bring but said that she felt secure knowing that God does not

       For Christians that is the one thing that does not change - the God
       we worship. Our view of God may change, as God reveals more,
       but God is always the same yesterday, today and forever.

       Every blessing,

       “Most people I’ve met who weren't kind to animals
       weren't kind to people as well. Kindness is kindness,
       simple as that”  Ricky Gervais

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