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All stand. At the door of the church, the priest sprinkles the coffin with
       Holy Water, as a reminder of baptism, in which Christ promises eternal
       life to his people. He says:

       Priest:    In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the
                  Holy Spirit.
       All:       Amen.
       Priest:    The Lord be with you.
       People:    And with your spirit.

       In the waters of baptism Kath died with Christ and rose to new life with
       him. May she now share with him eternal glory.

                                 Morning has broken
                                like the first morning,
                                 blackbird has spoken
                                   like the first bird.
                                Praise for the singing!
                                Praise for the morning!
                              Praise for them, springing
                                 fresh from the Word!

             Sweet the rain’s new fall            Mine is the sunlight!
                sunlit from heaven,               Mine is the morning
                like the first dewfall            born of the one light
                 on the first grass.                Eden saw play!
              Praise for the sweetness             Praise with elation,
                 of the wet garden,              praise every morning,
              sprung in completeness                God’s recreation
              where God’s feet pass.                of the new day!

                                COLLECT - PRIEST
                          THE LITURGY OF THE WORD
                                      (Please sit)
       The First Reading
       A reading from the first letter of St John

       Think of the love that the Father has lavished on us,
       by letting us be called God’s children;
       and that is what we are.
       Because the world refused to acknowledge him,
       therefore it does not acknowledge us.
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