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P. 3
Opening Music
“I Know that my Redeemer Liveth” from Handel’s Messiah
Reverend Ian Jackson Bleanwern setting
Today I bury you inside me
Richard Melis
close friend of Alison and the family from the Netherlands
Today I bury you inside me
Not in the earth not in a coffin
Not by the trees in the morning mist
You are not there you are safe with me
Today I bury you inside me
Not by the stone there in that long line with all those old names
You don’t belong to them
No today I bury you inside me
Then I can talk to you and answer you
Then you will live in my life
Here take my eyes and look with me
Take my feet and walk with me
We are going home we both
From today you live in me with me
Today I bury you inside me
I won’t look for you where you are not
Stay with us here where everyone knows you
I keep your place at the table free for you