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                           Why do people go to church?
                             Why do we worship God?
                          While our neighbours lie in bed,
                               why do we act so odd?
                          As we fold our hands and pray,
                          as we hear what preachers say,
                            as we pass around the tray,
                           we would become the church.

                           Why do people go to church?
                             Why do we get enthused?
                        While our neighbours work or play,
                             why do we pack the pews?
                         As we sing our psalms and songs,
                        as we learn what's right and wrong,
                               as we try to get along,
                           we would become the church.

                           Why do people go to church?
                              Why do we offer praise?
                          While our neighbours sit in pubs,
                             why do we stand amazed?
                               As forgiven we forgive
                               as in gratitude we give,
                             as we practise how to live,
                           we would become the church.

                      Here's why Christians come to church:
                           because we've heard the call,
                           we're responding to the grace
                               of God, the Lord of all.
                        We're not here because we choose,
                           we're not here to be amused,
                          we are here to hear Good News
                              and so to be the church.

                                Kim Fabricius © K Fabricius
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