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The Friends of Swanage Bandstand

                             Charity Number 1175077

       Swanage Bandstand was originally excavated in 1923
       by the young men who had survived the First World
       War - as a way of benefiting their mental health.

       This is a rather unique Bandstand because it is
       sunken and only very few were constructed this way.
       They also constructed the stone walls that still
       surround it.

       The structure itself was built by Walter Macfarlane
       and Company of Glasgow, who were the leading
       manufacturers of cast iron at the time, and is
       believed to be one of only four model 224 that still
       survive today.

       During a severe storm in 2011 / 2012 the Bandstand
       sustained considerable damage and, as a
       consequence, deteriorated quite quickly.

       In 2017 Swanage Town Council issued a statement
       that they were considering dismantling the remains
       and filling in the area, which caused a public outcry
       from locals and visitors alike; hence the forming of
       The Friends of Swanage Bandstand, who very
       quickly gained public support,  charity status and the
       money to completely restore the Bandstand and
       surround - as can be seen today.

       It was opened on 2nd August 1923, exactly 100 years
       to the day of this concert.

       We hope to see you all there on the day.
                                Alan Houghton
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