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He retired in 1789 and Robert Kell was appointed. He showed
'Unitarian' views. The Unitarians did not believe in the Holy
Trinity of God, Son and Holy Spirit. He left and a large body of
members left with him, and built a new chapel in West Street,
which had a thriving congregation for 60 years.
Members of the Old Meeting House became part of the
Congregational church movement in the late eighteenth century
and in 1848 the two congregations reunited in the Old Meeting
House. They had need of a hall to house the Sunday schools,
and in 1861 the large Hall was built. During WW1 soldiers were
temporarily housed in the church halls. Currently, the church
halls offer accommodation for many community groups in
In 1972, the Wareham church became part of the newly created
United Reformed Church, which comprised the Presbyterian
and Congregational churches in England. There is a regular
Sunday service, led by lay preachers or ministers, including our
own Minister, who has the ministry of Swanage, Wareham and
Skinner Street, Poole URC churches. We run coffee mornings
each Thursday during the Home Producers' Market, a shopper's
service on the first Thursday of the month, a fortnightly lunch
club on Tuesdays for people on their own, charity fund raising
and other events.
The day to day running of the church is the job of our ordained
Elders whereas the Church Meeting, open to all, takes larger
decisions. As a church we are committed to Fairtrade, using
Fair Trade products whenever possible. We contribute to
Christian Aid, and to an orphanage in Zambia. We support the
Wareham Church Family at united services and in the Walk of
Witness on Good Friday.
As you entered the church you will have noticed the simplicity of
the building. Nonconformist churches were often unlike Anglican
churches in adopting a very different architectural style. Inside
the sanctuary there is little decoration, apart from the striking
round window behind the pulpit. This was a Victorian addition,