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‘Poem to our Nan’

                               written by Donna Moss

                            Of all the special gifts in life
                               However great or small
                              To have you as our nan
                             Was the greatest gift of all!

                             Growing up you had us all
                             Causing havoc at your feet
                            Pulling on your apron strings
                           As you baked our favorite treat

                           In your garden we would play
                            And swing in the apple tree
                        You would get us to pick the apples
                              For grandads pie for tea

                           Sleepovers were the very best
                            Filled with such love and fun
                          Oh, the many songs and stories
                          You would never say 'just one!'

                           Christmases were special too
                              Having all of us together
                      The cards and games we all would play
                              Will stay with us forever

                       You have touched each one of us nan
                            In your very own special way
                               From letting us skip PE
                            To giving us a place to stay

                        We were not ready to lose you nan
                        One more, hug, or song or rhyme?
                       What we really want we cannot have
                              And that is precious time
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