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Tribute to Brenda

                                   Kevin Langdon

                                 ‘Sleep Peacefully’

                                   read by Alison

                          Today we can’t believe it mum,
                             That you have sadly gone
                          You left us with such emptiness
                          But we know we must be strong

                      You blessed us with your beautiful voice
                           You sang out strong and loud
                      We know you're up in the heavens now
                         Singing with dad from every cloud

                          You were such a social butterfly
                              Embracing every chance
                         To meet up with friends and family
                        with the hope of a song and a dance

                             We had a wonderful mum
                           One who never really grew old
                          Her smile was made of sunshine
                          And her heart was just pure gold

                           So dear mum sleep peacefully
                             You’re in our every thought
                        And our hearts are full and thankful
                      For the love and happiness you brought

                         Goodnight, Goodnight, Beloved

                 By Ciro Pinsuti and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
                           sung by the Belvedere Singers
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